Valon Poika Minä Perhonen Elävä Tokyo
photograph: Hua Wang
Valon poika is Finnish and it means boy of the light. When I made first mobiles in 2018 I was pregnant with my first son. I found my artistic expression at the same time as becoming a mother. I found my, method of working, wonderful hotshop team in Nuutajärvi and new connection with my own mother by working with her on the metal parts. I feel that in my case these major life developments have in common increased spiritually and focus on the moment. Some how even though I have my hands full with children, artistic work is effortless and full of joy. I have been bursting with ideas, forms and color.
2020 I got pregnant with my second son. While expecting him I had a very creative energy and this sculptural light series was made. He has turned out to be a very happy and extrovert baby - valon poika.
Minä Perhonen has most of my first mobiles and also sculptural lights. There is a joy of discovery that is only visible in the first ones. Minä Perhonen, Akira Minagawa and the people here have become very dear to me and I dream of seeing you soon again.
Valon poika is Finnish and it means boy of the light. When I made first mobiles in 2018 I was pregnant with my first son. I found my artistic expression at the same time as becoming a mother. I found my, method of working, wonderful hotshop team in Nuutajärvi and new connection with my own mother by working with her on the metal parts. I feel that in my case these major life developments have in common increased spiritually and focus on the moment. Some how even though I have my hands full with children, artistic work is effortless and full of joy. I have been bursting with ideas, forms and color.
2020 I got pregnant with my second son. While expecting him I had a very creative energy and this sculptural light series was made. He has turned out to be a very happy and extrovert baby - valon poika.
Minä Perhonen has most of my first mobiles and also sculptural lights. There is a joy of discovery that is only visible in the first ones. Minä Perhonen, Akira Minagawa and the people here have become very dear to me and I dream of seeing you soon again.